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Human Services

Breaking Down Barriers to Employment!

Overcome challenges, explore opportunities and maximize your potential.

Our team of proven professionals work diligently to increase access to gainful employment so you can achieve long-term success.

Featured Service - Ticket To Work Program

As an approved Employment Network provider with the Social Security Administration Ticket to Work Program we are a career focused placement agency specializing in assisting individuals receiving SSDI and SSI.

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Current Human Services include

Customized Employment (CE) is a universal employment strategy that is especially useful for employment seekers with significant life complexities and barriers to employment, such as a severe disability. CE strategies result in competitive, integrated employment that is based on a determination of the strengths, needs, and interests of the employment seeker. The specific abilities of the individual are matched to the business needs of an employer. CE is a relationship between an employer and an employee that is negotiated to meet the needs of both parties.

Career Planning and Consultation offers a variety of career assessment, planning and exploration services to individuals facing barriers to employment. Outcomes include defining a realistic vocational goal and identifying needed strategies and accommodations to enhance employability. Individuals learn about their vocational strengths and abilities with the goal of obtaining future employment. Participants are referred by a third party or self-refer to this fee-for-service program.

These services prepare individuals, ages 14 to 26 with disabilities, to identify future careers and enhance skill-sets to gain competitive employment following graduation. Individuals receiving special education services through local school districts are evaluated based on vocational skills and work aptitudes.

This program includes paid work experiences, work skills training and behavioral adjustment to the work environment to prepare participants for the challenges of community employment. Individual and/or group instruction available. Participants are referred by a third party or self-refer to this fee-for-service program.

Selective Case Management works with local businesses and a variety of local organizations to assist individuals who may experience barriers in their job search and in maintaining meaningful competitive employment. Services include job development, guided job search, on-site coaching and employer support for job accommodation and implementation. Services also include support after placement to ensure retention. Participants are referred by a third party or self-refer to this fee-for-service program.

SCM’s Work Experience Program is similar to an internship program and provides participants with the opportunity to gain knowledge and develop skills and work habits that increase the potential for employment success. Individuals are given the opportunity to experience real world on-the-job training to help them seamlessly progress from the program into competitive employment and ideally self-sufficiency. Participants sign a Commitment Agreement indicating their obligation to the site and program completion. Site visits and evaluations are conducted on a regular basis throughout this program. The length of the program is determined by the referring agency. Short-term Job Shadow opportunities are also available and a valuable tool to explore additional career paths. Participants are referred by a third party or self-refer to this fee for service program.

A Job Coach/Skills Trainer works directly with an individual in a training or placement site to help him/her learn the specific requirements of the job; learn work-related activities and requirements such as time and attendance rules; and learn appropriate work-related (including social) behaviors when dealing with supervisors and co-workers. Job Coaching provides intervention techniques and strategies to assist individuals in learning to perform job tasks to an employer’s specifications and to learn the interpersonal skills necessary to be accepted as a worker at the job site and in related community contacts. In addition to job-site training, it may also include related assessments, advocacy, travel training and other services needed to obtain and maintain employment. Participants are referred by a third party or self-refer to this fee for service program.

News & Events
During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, or NDEAM, we celebrate the value and talent workers with disabilities add to America’s workplaces and economy. NDEAM takes place annually each October, but its purpose is to confirm our commitment to ensuring disabled workers have access to good jobs, every month of every year. That’s the spirit behind this year’s official theme: “Access to Good Jobs for All.”
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